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The Shows So Far!!

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11th February-
Royal Oak

  • Electric Kool-Aid Collective

  • Molly Fletcher Hebden

  • Three’s A Crowd


The 11th of February brought us our first official ‘Paisley Promotion’s Presents’ nights, hosting 3 amazing bands in our ‘British Invasion’ night, featuring Blues-Rock legends ‘Three’s a Crowd’, Molly Hebden, stealing the hearts of New-Wave fanatics, and ‘The Electric Kool-Aid Collective’, a Psychedelic 60’s fever dream ending the night on the highest of highs. The atmosphere was incredible, from the tasteful solos from Three’s a Crowd, the cramped, energetic atmosphere of the audience, or the dance-along anthems from Kool-Aid. As the first official ‘Paisley Promotions Presents’, I think it can only be seen as a resounding success and look forward to continuing these events into the future.

18th February- Komedia Main Stage

  • Primary Explosives

  • Battery Acid

  • Crooked Snout

  • Funky Ducks


The 18th of February was another first for us, with our Komedia Main Room night, a collaboration between UoB Music Society, GEAR Zine, and us: Paisley Promotions. The objective for the night was to build bonds between Bath Spa University and the University of Bath, which all around was a great success! With almost 300 people in attendance, every band bought their A-game, from the riff-driven power-trio ‘Primary Explosives’ (featuring a return of their original drummer Felix!) to the raw, emotive energy of Punk bands Battery Acid and Crooked Snout, and the breathtaking musical prowess of Funky Ducks, there truly was something for everyone! From venue staff to audience, we were met with great reviews, only to encourage us to continue putting these nights on again!

Our Portfolio

Here is a collection of experiences from our previous shows and events! If you have any photos or videos from our events do LET US KNOW and we will be in touch!


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